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Fifth Edition of Palazzo Doglio’s Flower Market

Arriving at Palazzo Doglio the fifth edition of the Flower Market signed Sgaravatti, scheduled for Sunday, May 26, from 10 am to 15 pm, in the picturesque setting of the Court!
The day will be dedicated to the “Queen of Flowers”, the rose, in its various varieties and colors with a team of experts available to visitors to evaluate the type of plant best suited to different needs. Among the protagonists will be damask roses and centifolia, among the most fragrant and used in the realization of perfumes.

In addition to the exhibition market, the Doglio Flower Market will offer its audience as always a rich calendar of themed activities for fans, curious and of course for children!

Among the novelties of this edition, the Floral Cocktail Class, a journey through the flowers of the rose, hibiscus, lavender and elder to discover the perfect floral Mixology. The course of creation and building cocktails through infusions and shaker technique will take place in the spaces of the American Bar.

Another new entry is the collaboration with MISS BEE, a small company of campidano engaged in the production of honey and the dissemination of the importance of bees in the maintenance of biodiversity and nature conservation. On the occasion of the fifth edition of the Doglio Flower Market will propose to children the “MISS BEE KIDS LAB”, a laboratory for children to discover beekeeping and bee life with a real observation hive. Who is the beekeeper? how does she dress? what does a bee do all day? These and other questions will be answered by the staff of MISS BEE with exciting playful and theatrical activities on the secrets of the hive.

Parents and children can follow the floral cocktail class and the laboratory on bees respectively, both will leave at 11 am.

In the courtyard there is also the showcase by Pepebianco of a refined selection of floral-themed hats, handmade with natural fibers, inspired by the elegant Milanese tradition of Orticola headgear.

Starting at 12, an off-menu “floral” designed by Alessandro Cocco, Executive Chef of the Osteria del Forte, will bring flowers to the table to delight the most curious palates.

The flower market in the city center is an idea that comes from the precise will of Palazzo Doglio, Italy’s Leading Hotel, and Sgaravatti Group, Euroflora 2022 honor prize, to offer the city a new and exclusive experience of beauty, colors and scents, under the refined care of Rosi Sgaravatti, the Sardinian queen of floriculture, appointed Knight of Labour by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.

Once again the Court of Palazzo Doglio will turn into a garden of colors and scents where you can spend a Sunday surrounded by greenery in the city center.